(2005), "Emerald research support service making the most of your research funding", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 35 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emerald research support service making the most of your research funding
Emerald research support service – making the most of your research funding
If you are currently undertaking, or even thinking about undertaking a major research project, Emerald can help its Literati Network members with every stage of their project. Whether you are at the initial planning stage, already engaged in your research or seeking publication of the results, Emerald has the expertise, knowledge and resources to help. Emerald has more than 30 years of publishing experience spanning all areas of management and business, engineering, and library and information science, backed up by comprehensive research support services, ranging from help identifying research funding sources to making successful presentations.
The advice and help offered is often free, but other parts of the service may incur a charge to help to provide the service.
Communicate, let Emerald know your needs and discuss how Emerald can help.Ensure that your time and research funding are used wisely by securing the verybestresources and support from Emerald. For more information contact