(2005), "NACC National Association of Care Catering 2004 Conference", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 35 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
NACC National Association of Care Catering 2004 Conference
NACC – National Association of Care Catering 2004 Conference
4 October, Blackpool Hilton Hotel
This conference aimed to enable those in catering for people in residential care homes, who produce delivered meals in the community and those who cater at luncheon clubs to have greater knowledge and information about the sector they cater for.
The conference included presentations on:
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"Racial equality, diversity and discrimination" (Kay Allen, Diversity Consultant, Diversity Advice Ltd.) Kay addressed issues on equality and diversity, the Discrimination Act and how it affects our workplace and the staff.
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"Hospitality assured" (Tony Lainchbury, General Manager, Hospitality Assured. Alison Innes Farquhar, Director, Priory Group.) Hospitality Assured is the "Standard for Service and Business Excellence". The speakers showed the process for achieving such standards and recognition within theworkplace, and also demonstrated how Hospitality Assured is used to demonstrate the principles of Best Practice.
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"Training seminar – the importance of learning in the work environment" (Colm Lehane, CLARA Learning Excellence Through People.) In the hectic working environment where doing the task is seen as paramount, little opportunity exists to consider new learning – new learning opportunities. People, particularly in the caring sector, are key to the success of organisations meeting their goals, which impact on vulnerable people who use our services. The aim of this seminar was to deconstruct the training and learning process, in order to ensure that it is friendly and cost effective.
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"American objective on care catering" (Linda Netterville, Project Director, Meals on Wheels Association of America.) An overview of US programs covering in-home, day care and nursing facilities both private and publicly funded, nutritional standards for the US, information on new technology and discussion on common issues facing both countries.
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"Eating well for looked after children" (Dr. Helen Crawley, Public Health Nutritionist.) Young people who have been looked after have an increased vulnerability to ill health and often have poor knowledge of food and nutrition when they become independent. It has been acknowledged that there is a need for training in eating well for all those involved in the care of looked after children as well as among the young people themselves.
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Debra Veal, Transatlantic Rower, gave an inspirational and entertaining presentation, picking out themes from her own story such as the power of preparation, how to set goals and achieve them, however unattainable the goal may seem.
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"Choosing health" (Nutrition Programme Manager, Department of Health.) Good health and well being is fundamental to us all, enabling us to live active fulfilled lives. The government is absolutely committed to achieving better health for everyone and just as vital is taking action to safeguard health and prevent illness and disease, promoting healthier and longer lives. The speaker attempted to summarise the consultation and white paper produced by the Government and discuss its findings and recommendations.
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"Clarification and modification of diets for ethnic minority groups and the implication on the catering sector" (Aruna Thaker, Chair of Multi Cultural Nutrition Group/Chief Dietitian, Wandsworth NHS PCT.) This presentation gave an overview on the role of the Multi Cultural Nutrition Group. It included dietary aspects of Ethnic Minority Groups and provided some clarification around provision of these meals to the care sector.
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"Latest views and news from the FSA" (Dr. Louis Levy FSA, Branch Head, Nutrition Policy and Advice, Food Standards Agency.) An overview and update on current issues of the day including the Food Standards Agency's current position on salt intake in the United Kingdom as well as ongoing activity promoting healthier options through cooking.