Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS)

Nutrition & Food Science

ISSN: 0034-6659

Article publication date: 1 December 2004



(2004), "Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS)", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 34 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/nfs.2004.01734fab.016



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS)

The results from the latest Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS) were published on 29 July 2004. The EFS was established in March 2001 and is carried out by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The survey is a merger of the National Food Survey (NFS) and the Family Expenditure Survey. It still measures household consumption rather than consumption by individuals, by recording the amount (weight) of food entering the household during the study period. The measurement period has been extended from one to two weeks. A main difference is that the quality of the out-of-home consumption data has been improved in that for each household completing a diary, each household member over the age of seven years now completes a diary on everything they spend on food or drink rather than this being done by a sub-sample.

For more information, visit Web site: www.nutrition.org.uk\medianews\ pressinformation\nfs2004.htm

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