(2004), "Food preservation – a new book from CCFRA", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 34 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Food preservation – a new book from CCFRA
A concise overview of the principles of food preservation and their importance in securing a consistent supply of safe and wholesome food has been published by CCFRA. “Food preservation: an introduction” will be of interest to all in the food industry, enforcement or education who wish to acquire a broad appreciation of the core principles of food preservation.
After a general introduction to food preservation and its importance, it works in turn through the major approaches including heat processing, chilling and freezing, drying and water activity, chemical and microbiological preservation systems, modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging, and the use of multiple approaches in combination. A final section outlines how the shelf-life of foods preserved by such approaches can be assessed, while a short chapter on new technologies in preservation provides a useful lead-in to the related Key Topic New technologies in food preservation which covers these in more detail. As with all the books in this series, the intention is to be illustrative rather than comprehensive, and to present the information with a strong industrial slant.
For more information contact: Mrs Sue Hocking, Publications Officer. Tel: + 44(0)1386 842225; E-mail: