(2000), "Databank. Disposing of litter properly", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 30 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Databank. Disposing of litter properly
Disposing of litter properly
Primary schoolchildren across the UK say that disposing of litter properly is the top priority for protecting our environment in the new millennium. This was discovered in a NOP study commissioned by Tetra Pak. Nearly 800 primary schoolchildren were interviewed to find out their views on all aspects of the environment. The research coincides with the launch of the sixth annual Tetra Pak Award for Environmental Teaching in Primary Schools. The research also showed that schoolchildren are taking energy saving and renewability messages to heart. Over 90 per cent of 7-11 year olds remember to turn off taps and 74 per cent to turn off lights. Additionally, two out of three pupils plan to plant trees or plants at school to mark the new century.