(2004), "Calendar", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 21 No. 7.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
29-31, Beijing, China2nd International Conference on the Future of the Book: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Era
31 August-2 September, Berlin, GermanyICHIM 04: Digital Culture and Heritage
1-3, Dublin, IrelandInformation Seeking in Context (ISIC) 2004
1-3, Aalborg, DenmarkNORD I&D 2004: 12th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation: Knowledge and
5-8, Newcastle upon Tyne, United KingdomDRH 2004: Digital Resources for the Humanities
6-8, Beijing, ChinaInternational Conference of Digital Library: Advance the Efficiency of Knowledge Utilization
12-17, Bath, United KingdomECDL 2004: European Conference on Digital Libraries
13-15, Barcelona, Spain4th International Conference on Web Delivering of Music
13-17, London, United KingdomDigital Futures Academy: From Digitisation to Delivery
16, Bath, United Kingdom4th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW04)
20-24, Beijing, China2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'04)
21-24, Gold Coast, AustraliaAustralian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Biennial Conference
25-26, Fredericton, CanadaSerials Ecosystem: Perspectives on the Transition from Print to Electronic Journals
27-28, Salzburg, AustriaeCulture Horizons: From Digitisation to Creating Cultural Experience(s)
29 September-1 October6th National Russian Research Conference on Digital Libraries
1-3, Arlington, VirginiaTPRC 2004: 32nd Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy
1-3, Montreal, Canada11th OLAC Biennial Conference: OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers Conference
3-6, Long Beach, CaliforniaARMA 2004: Creative Solutions for Changing Times: Association for Information Management Professions, International 49th Annual Conference
8-10, St Louis, MissouriLITA National Forum: Ten Years of Connectivity: Libraries, the World Wide Web, and the Next Decade
10-12, London, United KingdomInternet Librarian International 2004: Access, Architecture & Action: Strategies for the New Digital World
10-13, Rochester, New York2004 HighEdWebDev Conference: eMerging Visions
10-14, Barcelona, SpainISMIR 2004: 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval
11-14, Shanghai, ChinaDublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) 2004 Conference
11-15, Cuzco, PeruIV World Congress of Computer Law: Policies and Regulatory Framework for Everyone's Information Society
13-15, Montreal, CanadaColloque EBSI-ENSSIB: Impact of Digitalization on the Life Cycle of the Document: An Interdisciplinary Analysis
13-16, Memphis, TennesseeEEI21: Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st Century
14-16, Kansas City, MissouriLibrary Research Seminar III
19-22, Denver, ColoradoEDUCAUSE 2004
25-29, Larnaca, Cyprus3rd International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics for Large-Scale Information Systems (ODBASE)
1-5, Ithaca, New YorkDigital Preservation Management Workshop
1-6, Coral Gables, FloridaICMC 2004: Expanded Horizons: International Computer Music Conference
2-5, Sofia, BulgariaSofia 2004: Libraries, Globalization and Cooperation
4-6, Torino, ItalyFOIS 2004: International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems
7-10, Berlin, Germany19th International CODATA Conference, The Information Society: New Horizons for Science
8-9, Cincinnati, Ohio6th Annual Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) 2004 Conference
9-11, Canberra, AustraliaArchiving Web Resources: Issues for Cultural Heritage Institutions International Conference
10-13, Minneapolis, MinnesotaMCN 2004: Great Technology for Collections, Confluence, and Community
13-18, Providence, Rhode IslandASIS&T 2004 Annual Meeting: Managing and Enhancing Information: Cultures and Conflicts
15-17, Monterey, CaliforniaInternet Librarian 2004: Starring Info Pros in Content, Context and Communities
17-21, Melbourne, AustraliaFUTUREGROUND: Design Research Society International Conference 2004
21-24, Bangkok, ThailandALIC 2004: Libraries: Gateways to Information and Knowledge in the Digital Age, Asian Library and Information Conference
6-7, New York, New YorkGL6: 6th International Conference on Grey Literature
13-17, Shanghai, ChinaICADL 2004: 7th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries Digital Library: International Collaboration and Cross-Fertilization
3-6, Waikoloa, HawaiiHICSS-38: 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
1-3, Sydney, AustraliaInformation Online 2005: 12th Conference and Exhibition
16-18, St Petersburg, RussiaCensorship and Access to Information: History and the Present
7-10, Minneapolis, MinnesotaACRL 12th National Conference: Currents and Convergence: Navigating the Rivers of Change
28-30, Sydney, AustraliaETD 2005: 8th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations