The purpose of this paper is to examine behavior intention of Chinese university students toward mobile library (m-library) applications (apps) and to explore the determinants of their perceptions of m-library apps.
Based on previous research, this study first proposed an integrated model and hypothesized the relationships between constructs while exploring the significance of the effects of education level and discipline. In all, 466 undergraduate and graduate students from various disciplines participated in a survey for this study. A structural equation modeling approach was applied for analysis.
Attitude is the main predictor of behavior intention toward m-library apps, and it is significantly affected by perceived usefulness, self-efficacy, and subjective norm. The quality of m-library apps determines students’ perception of usefulness. In addition, education level and discipline have significant effects on behavior intention toward m-library apps, which may reflect students’ different focuses and purposes of use.
This study deepens understanding of the continuance usage of m-library apps and has practical implications on related developments and services.
This study is supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) (No. 201506275122), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funded Project (No. 2016T90736), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (No. 2015M572202), and China Key project of Key Research Institutes of Philosophy and Social Science by Ministry of Education (15JJD870001).
Hu, J. and Zhang, Y. (2016), "Chinese students’ behavior intention to use mobile library apps and effects of education level and discipline", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 639-656. https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-06-2016-0061
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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