(2008), "Conferences", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 No. 3/4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: News, conferences and technical reports From: Kybernetes, Volume 37, Issue 3/4.
Scientific report on the: first conference on Models and Mathematical Methods and their Applications to Biology and Industry.
Held in La Roche sur Yon (Vendée, France) on the 6 and 7 December 2007 and organized by ICES (Catholic Institute of High Studies):
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General Director: Pr Franc¸ois Bouletreau.
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Organizing Committee: President: Rector Armel Pecheul.
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Members: Pr El Kolli (USTBH, Alger), Dr Frédéric Braëms (ICES) Dr Said Guellal (ICES).
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Scientific Committee: President: Pr Yves Cherruault (University Paris VI).
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Secretary: Dr Said Guellal (ICES).
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Members: Pr K. Abbaoui (University of Setif, Algeria), Pr Ch. Advenier (University Paris-Quest), Pr S. Bezerra (University Rio Grande De Norte, Natal, Brazil), Pr A. Caron, University Bretagne-Sud), Pr M. Filali (University of Oulou, Finland), Pr B. Gaveau (University Paris VI), J.C. Mazza (SNCF), Pr A. Meulemans (University Paris VII), Pr A. Mignot (University Rennes 1), Pr G. Mora (University of Alicante, Spain), Pr M. Moussaoui (Ecole Centrale, Lyon, France), Pr B. SOME (University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).
The aim of this conference was to present mathematical and numerical methods for solving problems arising from biology, medicine, food industry and more generally from the industrial field. Most of the lectures were related to modelling, identification, optimization, optimal control and algorithms for solving functional equations.
Three lectures (Yves Cherruault, Jean-Claude Mazza, Gaspar Mora) were devoted to the theory of a-dense curves and their applications to industrial processes. The speakers proved the power of this method applied to global optimization involving continuous or integer variables. More generally industrial problems can be easily and completly solved by means of a-dense curves. For instance, G. Mora has developed a theory of V-dense curves in topological vector spaces with application to industrial problems. By this approach, he can obtain a solution for ill-posed problems.
B. Gaveau proposed a new concept for a nuclear reactor based on solitons. This involves hard Mathematics and optimal control problems with partial differential equations.
B. Somé has suggested a numerical algorithm deduced from the Adomian decomposition method for solving non-linear differential (and partial differential) equations.
S. Guellal, S. Khelifa and A. Meulemans have developed and mathematically studied an enzymatic model of the neuronal NO-Synthase. A. Meulemans has detected a neurophysiological error in recent scientific publications.
D. Claude spoke about modelling of renal toxicity faced with antibiotics. Therapeutics involvements have been deduced.
A. Caron, C. Gagnandre, H. Guezenoc, Y. Grohens described modelling and numerical simulation of electrical fields. Partial differential equations are derived, solved by finite differences method and used for industrial processes (waste classifying).
S. Bezerra gave a lecture on modelling and 3D-vizualization applied to oil industry. A virtual movie was screened.
B. Hebri proposed a new method based on linearization for identification of non-linear compartmental systems of Michaelis-Menten.
M. Filali showed a very didactic report on harmonic analysis and industrial applications.
F. Benzitoun explained a new method, more general than Adomian decomposition method for solving non-linear equations without linearization or discretization. It was one of the most original and interesting lectures of this conference.
Then, Cl. Reiss described applications of bioinformatics to genomics. He proved that his methods allow us to detect the bad effects of chemical substances (natural or artificial). He added that mathematicians are essential for developing his techniques.
The last (but not the least!) speaker, N. Ngarhasta, applied the Adomian decomposition methods to the resolution of non-linear integral equations, generalizing some previous works of Yves Cherruault and Coll.
People taking part in the Conference were very interested by the lectures and many questions were asked to the lecturers.
A discussion was opened at the end of the conference confirming the high quality and interest of the presented works. Everybody recognized the success of this international conference and wished to renew this experience in three or four years at the same place.
Yves Cherruault20 December 2007