Mann, C.J.H. (2004), "Web Intelligence", Kybernetes, Vol. 33 No. 5/6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Web Intelligence
Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu and Yiyu Yao (Eds)Springer-VerlagNew York2003450 pp.ISBN 3-540-44384-3$69.95 (hardcover)
The authors aimed to explore the fundamental roles as well as the practical impacts of artificial intelligence and advanced information technology for the next generation of Web-empowered systems, services and environments.
We all know of the problems in dealing with the concepts involved in a study of “intelligence”. Readers would have the opportunity of discovering what these editors of the text mean. What is described as “Web Intelligence” is of much interest to researchers and a text that deals with the subject will be welcome. What is now called the “Wisdom Web” which also includes the “Semantic Web” are key areas of research and development.
The publishers advertise the book by stating:
The coherently written multi-author monograph provides a thorough introduction and a systematic overview of this new field.
It is a new field, but quite obviously built upon the not insignificant research and developments of past decades. It does attempt, however, to discuss the current state of research and development and provides some much needed consideration of the areas of application and endeavour.