Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK)


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 December 2003



(2003), "Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK)", Kybernetes, Vol. 32 No. 9/10.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (UK)

Forthcoming Modelling Conferences

Quantitative Modelling in the Management of Healthcare

The fourth conference on this topic will take place from 31 March to 2 April 2004 at the University of Salford, United Kingdom.

Conference delegates will include those involved in quantitative policy, evaluation and decision-making in health care relating to the National Health Service, private sector, and overseas experience. Earlier conferences were held in 1994, 1997 and 2000. These attracted medical practitioners working in hospitals and general practice, health service managers, and operational research specialists, economists, statisticians, and mathematicians employed in health care and in universities. Special issues of the Health Care Management Science Journal contain papers presented at the conferences in 1997 and 2000.

This conference will have three main themes. The major theme is how to do the nuts and bolts of modelling, a discussion of how modellers can get started, and of what software and data are available, for example the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) database. An exhibition of software (e.g. benchmarking and data analysis tools and simulation software) will support this theme. Other themes will be performance monitoring, which is of current interest in the wake of Bristol, and flow modelling/system dynamics.

Modelling Permeable Rocks IV

This international meeting will take place from 30 March to 1 April 2004 at the University of Southampton, UK, and will bring together geologists and mathematicians, statisticians and engineers working on the modelling and analysis of the spatial patterns observed in permeable rocks. The emphasis will be on new developments in the mathematical modelling of geological patterns for the purposes of improving fluid flow prediction rather than the purely descriptive. It will be of interest to those who use quantitative/statistical methods to describe heterogeneity patterns in groundwater hydrology, the oil industry, nuclear waste disposal and other areas where geological heterogeneity is important to fluid flow.

Keynote speakers: Bo Bodvarsson (Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab), Benoit Nœtînger (IFP), Don Zhang (Los Alamos Natl Lab)

Topics: The organising committee feel the following topics will be of major interest.

  • Faults and fractures, influence of geomechanics

  • Using geophysics to identify heterogeneity

  • Process modelling/pattern formation

  • Quantitative techniques for data collection

  • Geostatistical techniques

  • Uncertainty in modelling heterogeneity

  • Integration of data in models

Organising committee: A.H. Muggeridge (Imperial College, Chair), P. Abrahamsen (Norwegian Computing Centre), P. Burgess (Shell), J.P. Chiles (ENSMP), J. Gomez-Hernandez (UPValencia), R. Jolly (BP), P.R. King (Imperial College), S. Knight (Pelican), C. Mijnssen (PDO, Oman), G. Pickup (Heriot-Watt), C. Ravenne (Institute Francais du Petrole), J. Walsh (Dublin), M. van Bracht (TNO), C. White (Louisiana State)

For further details of all these conferences visit our Web site: or contact: Lucy Nye, Conference Officer, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF. Direct line: (01702) 356110; Switchboard: (01702) 354020; Fax: (01702) 354111; E-mail:

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