Inside Java&#153 Platform Security: Architecture API Design and Implementation


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 February 2000



(2000), "Inside Java&#153 Platform Security: Architecture API Design and Implementation", Kybernetes, Vol. 29 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Inside Java&#153 Platform Security: Architecture API Design and Implementation

Inside Java&#153 Platform Security: Architecture API Design and Implementation

Li GongPrice: $27.95 and $34.95

We are told that inside the Java 2-Platform Security is the definitive and comprehensive guide to the Java security platform. The book is written by the Chief Java Security Architect at the Sun company. It provides a detailed look into the central workings of the Java security architecture and describes security tools and techniques for successful implementation, it is claimed. The descriptions in the book are detailed, and it also provides a practical guide to the development of Java security while showing how to customise, extend and refine the core security architecture. It contains an overview of computer and network security concepts and an explanation of the basic Java security model (*ACM Order # 701994).

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