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“Willing to go the extra mile”: an exploration of antecedents of assigned expatriates' work engagement

Marian van Bakel (Department of Business and Management, Syddansk Universitet – Campus Slagelse, Slagelse, Denmark)
Mette Strange Noesgaard (Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, Denmark)
Snejina Michailova (Department of Management and International Business, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)

Journal of Global Mobility

ISSN: 2049-8799

Article publication date: 13 August 2024

Issue publication date: 20 August 2024




The expatriation literature (a substantial domain of the International HRM literature) has not paid sufficient attention to the phenomenon of work engagement, which is essential for expatriate success. Equally, research on work engagement in Organizational Behavior, although extensive and mature, has neglected the context of expatriation. Our study bridges the two literature streams to examine the antecedents of expatriates’ work engagement within the distinct context of international assignments.


Through e-interviews with 27 Nordic assigned expatriates in 16 host countries, we delineate and organize antecedents of assigned expatriates’ work engagement in a framework.


We identify two clusters of antecedents – general and specific – characteristic of expatriate settings (e.g. distance to headquarters, pride in being chosen, culture, fewer distractions, success in a foreign context, adjustment, location, and language). We decompose each cluster into contextual and job-related antecedents leading to absorption, dedication, and vigor as three components of work engagement. We depict and organize the relationships in a framework.


Our qualitative study connects two bodies of literature that have remained largely independent of each other. In doing this, we contribute to the expatriate literature by presenting a comprehensive picture of antecedents to work engagement and the engagement literature by exploring engagement in a new occupational work setting, namely international assignments.



This paper forms part of a special section “Bridging Disciplinary Silos - Cross-Fertilization between Global Mobility and Other Fields”, guest edited by Mihaela Dimitrova, David S. A. Guttormsen and Margaret A. Shaffer.


van Bakel, M., Noesgaard, M.S. and Michailova, S. (2024), "“Willing to go the extra mile”: an exploration of antecedents of assigned expatriates' work engagement", Journal of Global Mobility, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 369-393.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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