Marsh, R. (2011), "Special issue on entrepreneurial migration: its characteristics, causes and effects", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 5 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Special issue on entrepreneurial migration: its characteristics, causes and effects
Article Type: Call for papers From: Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Volume 5, Issue 3
The forces of the current globalizing economy intensify entrepreneurial migration, which, on the one hand, contributes to business formation and diversity of enterprising communities but, on the other hand, poses certain challenges for host countries as well as for home countries. Entrepreneurs as migrants, immigrant communities, and their connections with their home countries are under-represented in the entrepreneurship literature. Therefore, the aim of the current call for papers is to provide an in-depth assessment of the causes, effects and processes in the domain of entrepreneurial migration in the modern economy.
This special issue seeks to compile a collection of papers that can contribute to the development of an exciting new research agenda geared towards assessment of entrepreneurial migration and the role of immigrant communities in a twenty-first century global economy. Topics appropriate to this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:
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Global political economy of entrepreneurial migration flows
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Causes of entrepreneurial migration: socio-economic, political, cultural reasons
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Connection to home country communities as a source of entrepreneurial opportunities
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Immigrant entrepreneurs: community partnership and networking
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The role of female entrepreneurs in immigrant communities
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The effects of immigrant entrepreneurship on the institutional profile of the host country (effects on the normative, cognitive and/or regulatory contexts)
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Cultural background of an immigrant entrepreneur and its influence on the way business is conducted in the host country (cultural effects on business practices)
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Policies to encourage value-added and high-growth entrepreneurship in immigrant communities
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The role of expatriates in international entrepreneurship
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Entrepreneurial migration, immigrant communities and opportunities in developing countries
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Entrepreneurial migration and knowledge and technology transfer
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The role of communities of returned entrepreneurs in the internationalization of their home economy.
The Guest Editors welcome research papers that offer valuable new insights or present new approaches to any of the above or related topics. Papers that are either conceptually or empirically based, employ a range of methodological approaches and offer an international dimension with valuable cross-country/cross-sectoral comparisons are also encouraged. Case studies that platform any of the above topics may also be submitted.
Expressions of interest in the form of an abstract and authors' full contact information should be e-mailed to the Guest Editors by30 August 2011
Authors who are invited to submit their full papers will be required to format their manuscript according to the journal guidelines; see the journal's website for details: journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=jec and submit to theGuest Editors by 30 December 2011 through our online submissionsystem at:
All papers will be subject to double blind review.
Contact details
Professors Mai Thi Thanh ThaiDepartment of International Business, HEC Montréal,3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (Québec),H3T 2A7, CanadaE-mail: mai.thai@hec.caTel: +1-514-340-1069
Ekaterina TurkinaDepartment of International Business, HEC Montréal,3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (Québec),H3T 2A7, CanadaE-mail: ekaterina.turkina@hec.caTel: +1-514-340-731