Awards for Excellence

Journal of Documentation

ISSN: 0022-0418

Article publication date: 1 October 2003



(2003), "Awards for Excellence", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 59 No. 5.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited

Awards for Excellence

Birger HjÖrlandRoyal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark

Is the recipient of the first Journal of Documentation Outstanding Paper Award for Excellence and the new Aslib-Emerald Award for his paper

"Domain analysis in information science: 11 approaches - traditional as well as innovative"

which appeared in Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58 No. 4, 2002

The Aslib-Emerald recognises the outstanding contribution to information management good practice in an Aslib-Emerald journal. The winning paper was selected by members of Aslib who were invited to vote for the outstanding paper published in the 2002 volumes of any Aslib-Emerald journal that best reflects the aims and objectives of Aslib in bringing cutting edge research and best practice to the information profession.

Birger HjÖrland (right) receiving the Aslib-Emerald Award from Aslib CEO Roger Bowes

Birger HjÖrland is Professor of Information Science (IS) at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. He was formerly Professor in IS at College University of Boraas, Sweden. He gained his PhD in Information Science from the University of Gothenburg and Master of Arts in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen.

Professor HjÖrland worked at the Royal Library in Copenhagen for 12 years as a subject specialist in psychology and as the co-ordinator of the library's computer based reference services. He has taught the history and philosophy of psychology at the University of Copenhagen and also taught information retrieval at the Institute of Applied and Mathematical Linguistics in Copenhagen. In spite of his degree in psychology, problems related to information science have always been his main interest, and his approach to IS is influenced more by philosophical and sociological views than by psychological or cognitive views. He is a member of ASIST and ISKO. He did his first empirical study of the use of electronic databases at the National Library of Education in 1972-74.

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