Records and Information Management

David Haynes (Department of Library and Information Science, City University London, London, UK)

Journal of Documentation

ISSN: 0022-0418

Article publication date: 12 January 2015




Haynes, D. (2015), "Records and Information Management", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 71 No. 1, pp. 210-211.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2015, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Records and Information Management covers universal principles of records management amply illustrated by examples from a variety of organisations (Franks, 2013). An interesting innovation is the inclusion of “paradigms” (case studies) and “perspectives” (reflections) from experienced records managers and policy makers, which are mostly USA based but include one from the UK and one from the Netherlands.

The book provides detailed descriptions of processes for each of the major aspects of records management. To take one example, retention strategies (Chapter 4) deals with records inventory, records appraisal, legal and regulatory compliance, developing a records retention and disposition schedule and illustrates this with an example (paradigm) from the University of Wisconsin prepared by Nancy Kunde. It talks about “big bucket” retention scheduling – a folksy reworking of the idea of using business process analysis (DIRKS methodology) to develop categories to which a retention policy could be applied. This is a concept pioneered in Australia and incorporated into the international standard on records management (ISO, 2001).

As well as being good background reading for records management students, the book provides a useful update for professionals who may wish to dip into specific topics, or get themselves up to date on contemporary technology issues. Chapter 7 on “Emerging Technologies and Records Management” is a useful update on social media, cloud computing and mobile devices and complements “Managing Electronic Records” (McLeod and Hare, 2005).

Franks is very practically oriented and will therefore be relevant to many work situations. She provides more of a “how to” guide than a conceptual treatment of records management. The style and examples are predominantly USA, but it touches on some important topics issues such as risk, social media and to a limited extent metadata. She also acknowledges international initiatives such as MoReq (Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2), 2008) and refers to ISO15489 . Her final chapter sets records management firmly in the context of information governance and offers a strategic approach to implementation. The extensive bibliography has many references from official web sites, but few texts or scholarly papers.

This is a book packed with practical examples of how records management strategies can be implemented in a variety of organisations. For the principles of records management and as a teaching text “Managing Records” continues to provide the authoritative and conceptual approach to records management (Shepherd and Yeo, 2003). Nevertheless Franks is a useful addition to the body of records management texts and provides excellent examples for students of records management, and an introduction to contemporary concerns arising from cloud computing, use of social media and long-term preservation of electronic resources. This is very much “of the moment” and a useful addition to Facet’s stable of books for archivists and records managers.


Franks, P.C. (2013), Records and Information Management , Facet Publishing, London, 410 pp.

ISO. (2001), ISO 15489-1:2001 Information and Documentation – Records Management – Part 1: General , ISO, Geneva.

McLeod, J. and Hare, C. (2005), Managing Electronic Records , Facet Publishing, London, 202 pp.

Model requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2) (2008), Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records , Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 207 pp.

Shepherd, E. and Yeo, G. (2003), Managing Records: A Handbook of Principles and Practice , Facet Publishing, London, 318 pp.

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