The public library “for all”? A typology of the ranging notions of “ for all” in public libraries in Norway and Denmark
This article explores the ranging notions of a public library for all and the related conflicts on for all and the principle of neutrality in Norway and Denmark.
A document study of four profession magazines in a ten-year period is conducted, focusing on the problematizations of for all using the WPR approach: What’s the Problem Represented to be? Theories on public sphere and democracy frequently applied in Library and Information Science (LIS) are discussed in relation to the ranging notions.
The analysis shows that although for all is used as an argument by both advocates and opponents of the principle of neutrality, there are different notions of who constitutes for all. In total, five ranging notions of for all are identified and presented in a typology, to serve as a framework to understand the conflicts concerning neutrality and the public library for all.
The typology offers a new conceptual framework for understanding the nature of the conflicts and why they appear. The analysis indicates a need to discuss the use of for all in order to engage in more nuanced discussions of the democratic role of the public library.
Nissen, A.-S.E. and Kann-Rasmussen, N. (2024), "The public library “for all”? A typology of the ranging notions of
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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