(2014), "List of reviewers", Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Vol. 5 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
List of reviewers
Article Type: List of reviewers From: Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Volume 5, Issue 2
The editorial team wishes to sincerely appreciate the following reviewers for their generous contributions to offering their time and expertise in reviewing the articles considered for Volume 5:
Robert Figler - The University of Akron, USA
Pingping Fu - Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Peter Kuchinke - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Cooke Fang Lee - Monash University, Australia
Xin Li - Copenhagen Business School, Demark
Ya-Hui Ling - I-Shou University, Taiwan
Xing Liu - Nankai University, China
Kim Nimon - The University of Texas at Tyler, USA
Siqing Peng - Peking University, China
Ji-Hoon Song - University of North Texas, USA
Judy Yi Sun - The University of Texas at Tyler, USA
Thomas Tang - Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Eric Tsang - The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Meng Wang - Sichuan University, China
Verner Worm - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Liguo Xu - Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Mian Zhang - Tsinghua University, China
Connie Zheng - Deakin University, Australia