
Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 April 2000



(2000), "Diary", Industrial Robot, Vol. 27 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2000.04927bac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited


Key: C = Conference, E = Exhibition, S = Seminar, W = Workshop


Automation & Robotics 2000 (C + E)MACH 2000Design for ManufactureSubCon 2000Welding & Metal FabricationEngineering Lasers IFPEX

10-13 AprilNEC, Birmingham, UKPhil Binding, BARA. Tel: +44 121 628 1745; E-mail: bara@globalnet.co.uk

Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing 2000 (C + E)

11-13 AprilRosemount, Chicago, Illinois, USASME Customer Service, One SME Drive, PO Box 930, Dearborn, MI 48121-0930, USA. Tel: +1 313 271 1500; Fax: +1 313 271 2861; http://www.sme.org

EUREL (C) European Advanced Robotic Systems

12-14 AprilSalford, Manchester, UKProf. John Gray, Dept. Electronic & Electrical Eng., University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 161 295 5952; Fax: +44 (0) 161 295 5975; E-mail j.o.gray@eee.salford.ac.uk

2000 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (C)

24-28 AprilSan Francisco, California, USAProf. Oussama Khatib, Dept. of CS, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 94505, USA. Tel: +1 650 725 9753; Fax: +1 650 725 1449; E-mail icra2000@robotics.stanford.edu

Materials Testing 2000 (E)

9-11 MayNEC, Birmingham, UKCindy Bailey, BINDT, 1 Spencer Parade, Northampton NN1 5AA, UK. Tel: +44 1604 630 124; Fax: +44 1604 231 489; E-mail mt2000@bindt.org

ISR 2000 (C + E) Int. Sym. on Robotics

14-17 MayMontreal, CanadaISR 2000 Secretariat, c/o Golden Planners Inc., 401-126 York Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 5T5. Tel: +1 613 241 9333; Fax: +1 613 565 2173; E-mail gpi@intranet.ca; WWW: www.precarn.ca/isr2000

Biosensors 2000 (C)

24-26 MaySan Diego, USALiz Reed, Elsevier Science, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK. E-mail e.reed@elsevier.co.uk; WWW: www.elsevier.nl/locate/biosconf

WAC '2000 (C) World Automation Congress Robotics, Manufacturing, Control & Automation, Image Processing

11-16 JuneHawaii, USAWAC 2000 Secretariat, Jila Salari, PO Box 14126, Albuquerque, NM 87191-4126, USA. Tel: 00 1 505 298 5817; Fax: 00 1 505 291 0013; E-mail wac@eece.unm.edu; WWW: http://ace.unm.edu/wac00

7th IFAC (S) Automated Systems Based on Human Skill

15-17 JuneAachen, GermanyVDI/VDE-GMA, POB 101139, D-40002, Düesseldorf, Germany. Tel: +49 211 6214 215; Fax: +49 211 6214 161; E-mail rosenzweig@vdi.de; WWW: http://www.vdi.de./gma/call-joint-design.htm

Actuator 2000 (C + E)

19-21 JuneBremen, GermanyHubert Borgmann, Messe Bremen GmbH, Bürgerweide, D-28209, Bremen, Germany. Tel: +49 421 3505-230; Fax: +49 421 3505-340; E-mail actuator@messe-bremen.de; WWW: http://www.actuator.de

World Exposition EXPO 2000 (E) World Engineers' Convention 2000 (C)

19-21 JuneHanover, GermanyVDI, PO Box 10 11 39, D-40002, Düesseldorf, Germany. Tel: +49 211 62 14-0; Fax: +49 211 62 14-575; E-mail wec-expo2000@vdi.de; WWW: http://www.vdi.de/wec

8th Int. Meeting on Chemical Sensors (C)

3-5 JulyBasel, SwitzerlandPhillipa Orme, IMCS 2000, 12 Church Street, West Hanney, Nr. Wantage, Oxon OX12 0LN, UK. Tel: +44 1235 868 811; Fax: +44 1235 868 811; E-mail: p.orme@dial.pipex.com

9th European Conf. on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (C)

17-19 JulyAthens, GreeceDr Ian Campbell, University of Nottingham, Manufacturing Engineering, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 115 951 4015; Fax: +44 (0) 115 951 4000; E-mail Ian.Campbell@nottingham.ac.uk

Eurosensors XIV (C)

27-30 AugustCopenhagen, DenmarkVan Hauen ApS, Amaliegarde 36, DK-1256 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Tel: +45 331 40050; Fax: +45 331 45750; E-mail: eurosensors@vanhauen.dk

Control 2000 (C)

4-7 SeptemberCambridge, UKIEE Conference Services, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 207 240 8830; E-mail control@iee.org.uk; WWW: http://iee.org.uk/Conf/Control

Mechatronics 2000 (C)

6-8 SeptemberAtlanta, Georgia, USAMechatronics 2000 Secretariat, IEE Conferences, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7344 5469; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7240 8839; E-mail mechatronics2000@iee.org.uk; WWW: http://www.me.gatech.edu/mechatronics2000

Manufacturing 2000 (C)

6-13 SeptemberChicago, USASME Customer Service, One SME Drive, PO Box 930, Dearborn, MI 48121-0930, USA. Tel: +1 313 271 1500; Fax: +1 313 271 2861; WWW: http://www.sme.org

Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 2000 (C)

19-21 SeptemberHervey Bay, Queensland, AustraliaE-mail: johnbill@usq.edu.au; WWW: http://www.usq.edu.au/users/billings/m2vip

ISATA 2000 (C) Automotive and Transportation Technology

25-29 SeptemberDublin, IrelandISATA, Epsom House, 10C East Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 1HH, UK. Tel: +44 1372 747 539; Fax: +44 1372 720 101; E-mail isata@compuserve.com; WWW: http://www.isata.com


26-29 SeptemberNEC, Birmingham, UKJan Thorpe, DMG Business Media. Tel: +44 1737 768 611.

CLAWAR 2000 (C) Climbing and Walking Robots

2-4 OctoberMadrid, SpainWWW: http://iai.csic.es/clawar2000

If you would like further information about any of the conferences or exhibitions featured in the Diary Section, please contact the organisers for that particular event.

Editorial note: if you are aware of any local, national or international seminars, exhibitions or conferences, the Editor would be pleased to receive this information as early as possible in order to include it in this section of the journal.

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