Pad attitude adjusting moment in large multi-pocket pivoted pad used in static oil journal bearing
Large scale is a trend of the ball mill, so the loads on their bearings become very large, bearing operating conditions turn into more severe. The moment of inertia to their pivot of the pad increase significantly, so it leads to the difficult of the pad attitude adjustment and makes the pad tilting angles time response slow, the key factor to effects attitude adjustment is the oil film moment to the pad pivot at unbalance position. the oil film moment and its effect factors must be studied in the design of the bearing used in ball mill.
Models about the lubrication of multi-pocket pivoted pad hydrostatic bearing is established, the complicated relationship of the oil flow rate between the oil pockets are taken into account. Finite differential method is used to solv the model, and theroy of finite element method is use to calculate the oil flow rate out of the pocket edges. Newton’s methods are used to determine the pressure of pockets.The pad tilting moment to its pivot is numerically analyzed.
The tilting moment to its pivot is set as an indicator of the ability for a pad to adjust its attitude. The effects of the diameter of throttling capillary and the pocket area on the attitude adjusting capacity is studied. Relations between the attitude adjustment capacity for a pad and there effects factors are presented.
Practical implications
The methods and results have the special reference to the design and operation of multiple pockets tilted pad hydrostatic journal bearing.
Methods to studied the pad attitude adjustment are given in the article for the multi-pocket pivot pad hydrostatic beairng.The influence factors on pad attitude adjusting capacity are discussed for a this specail kind hydrostatic bearing, the how the factors influence the pad tilting angle adjustment are presented.
Ma, X. and Li, M. (2017), "Pad attitude adjusting moment in large multi-pocket pivoted pad used in static oil journal bearing", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 69 No. 4, pp. 605-611.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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