(2000), "Libraries sign MCB electronic licensing agreement", Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 28 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Libraries sign MCB electronic licensing agreement
Libraries sign MCB electronic licensing agreement
Keywords Libraries, Licensing, Electronic publishing, Databases, Greece
The Greek library consortium, HEAL-Link, and the Swedish library consortium, BIBSAM, have signed multi-year electronic licensing agreements with MCB University Press.
HEAL-Link represents 12 academic libraries from all parts of Greece and BIBSAM comprises 33 libraries which represent the vast majority of academic institutions within Sweden. Both consortia will have access to the Emerald electronic database, which includes 108 current full text and 11 archived titles.
The Director of Academic Publishing Solutions at MCB University Press, Bev Bruce, welcomes the agreement with Heal-Link as "an opportunity to simplify the dissemination of MCB journals to the Greek libraries via one centralised agreement". Commenting on the agreement with BIBSAM, Bev went on to say, "We feel this is a good package and we look forward to continuing the relationship with BIBSAM".
The agreements will benefit the individual libraries, students and faculty members of both consortia as well as the interests of MCB.
For further information visit MCB University Press' Web site at:
Source: Press release