Useful general links

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

ISSN: 1753-8378

Article publication date: 21 June 2011



(2011), "Useful general links", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 4 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Useful general links

Article Type: Forthcoming project management events and links From: International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Volume 4, Issue 3

For readers who either supervise research students, or are researchers, the Australian Digital Thesis Library (ADTL, website: is a highly useful resource. The home page of the ADTL web site states the following which should explain its value:

The aim of the ADT program is to establish a distributed database of digital versions of theses produced by the postgraduate research students at Australian universities. The theses will be available worldwide via the web. The ideal behind the program is to provide access to, and promote Australian research to the international community (accessed January 30th, 2008).

This library contains hundreds of doctoral theses; it is of immense value in providing examples of PhDs, DBAs and DPMs theses, etc. from across a wide range of disciplines, many highly relevant to the project management (PM) discipline.

Another useful organisation for those engaged in doctorates is The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM). This organisation has created a web site that is intended to promote the European job market for business academic positions: see URL One section of their web site is devoted to job candidates, they will have to enter their names and profiles (including CVs, areas of expertise, papers) where they can make themselves available for consideration for educational institutions. Another section is for the institutions where they will indicate the assistant professorship positions (one or more) that they plan to open (field, starting date, possibly information about the contract, e.g. salary). Demands and applications can be in any area of the business academic community. EISM holds a range of events including doctoral symposia and meetings.

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