Subhes C. Bhattacharrya, D. and Prasanta Dey, D. (2008), "Editorial", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 2 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Volume 2, Issue 2
In the second year, we plan to bring out two regular and two special issues in turn. Next year, we plan to publish a special issue on the energy sector management issues facing India and China, for which calls for papers are still open.
The second issue is a regular one and contains seven research papers and two book reviews. The first paper by Jean-Marie Martin-Amouroux looks at the metamorphosis of the coal industry to emerge once again as a dominant fuel in the global energy mix. The paper takes a long-term historical perspective and analysed the changes in the coal industry to adapt to the changing energy market structure and needs. The paper suggests that despite losing market share, coal has maintained a steady market share and although it has environmental disadvantages, it is staging a come back riding on the back of a high oil price situation and the emerging concerns of energy security.
The second paper by Rogner et al. presents a comparative analysis of electricity generation costs using the nuclear option and the fossil fuel technologies using carbon capture and sequestration option. The paper reports results from a large cross-country study and suggests that the advantage enjoyed by the fossil fuels would erode in many countries if CCS option is considered while the nuclear option enjoys cost advantage in other countries. Given the recent interest in the CCS, we hope this timely study would prove helpful to our readers.
In the third paper John Edwards reviews the state of knowledge management in the energy sector. The paper suggests that there are good examples of knowledge management practices in the oil industry but other energy industries are yet to follow such practices explicitly.
The fourth paper by Walsh and Sanderson analyses the strategic thinking relevant for retail segments in a deregulated energy market. Through a sample survey of retail customers, the authors analyse the critical success factors for creating a competitive advantage for retail suppliers. They suggest that just focusing on a low-cost service is not sufficient to ensure success and a hybrid approach may work better.
The fifth paper by Shaw and Blundell looks at the problem of nuclear waste management through minimisation of waste and proposes a technique for analysing the waste producing system. The paper informs the latest thinking from the regulators on the waste minimisation decision making.
The sixth research paper by Stankeviciute and Criqui analyses the recent policy of the European Commission of reducing CO2 emissions by 20 per cent, achieving a renewable energy target of 20 per cent and an energy saving target of 20 per cent by 2020. The paper uses simulation exercises to analyse the interaction of three policy options and verifies the consequences of these policies on the carbon price.
The last paper by Bajpai and Singh analyses the optimal bidding strategy for a generating company in a network constrained electricity market. The paper uses fuzzy adaptive particle swarm optimization technique to find that the joint effect of network congestion and strategic bidding by opponents offer additional opportunities of increase in payoff of a generating company.
Dr Subhes C. Bhattacharrya, Dr Prasanta Dey