(2008), "Kuwait Petroleum Company explores the value of its training", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 40 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Kuwait Petroleum Company explores the value of its training
Article Type: Notes and news From: Industrial and Commercial Training, Volume 40, Issue 4.
When Petroleum Training Center (PTC), the training division of the Kuwait Petroleum Company, wanted to measure the alignment and value of the BTEC program it delivers to all new employees, it engaged the help of UK consultant ROI Academy.
ROI Academy used two of its proprietary tools - the Line of Sight Wizard and Performance Pound - to conduct the evaluation. After working with the training-center team to gather data from previous BTEC programs, ROI Academy fed the information, along with a cost analysis, into a model linking improvement in core working skills to employee productivity.
The model calculated and measured the average time taken for the business to earn a payback on its investment in the BTEC program and the return in monetary terms from the program over three years. This enabled the PTC to “flex” delivery of the BTEC program to maximize its value to the business.
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation operates through specialized subsidiaries in Kuwait and across the world, with activities encompassing all aspects of the hydrocarbon industry. ROI Academy is a division of 3C Associates, which evaluates and measures the value of training in organizations.