Biffa rolls out online training program

Industrial and Commercial Training

ISSN: 0019-7858

Article publication date: 18 April 2008



(2008), "Biffa rolls out online training program", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 40 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Biffa rolls out online training program

Article Type: Notes and news From: Industrial and Commercial Training, Volume 40, Issue 3.

A waste-management business has introduced a number of online training programs, enabling the company to deliver certain internal training courses over a broadband connection to around 1,500 staff and 3,500 drivers and operatives at more than 160 locations across the UK.

“Waste-management legislation is constantly changing and as a result it is imperative that our operations across the country are always kept up to date”, said Neil Rogers, training manger at Biffa. “Traditionally, we arranged regional-based courses that required our employees to drive up to 150 miles per session. But we realized that not only was this harming the environment but also we were wasting our employees’ time as they were often spending the best part of a day driving to a course”.

Using GoToMeeting software, Biffa can deliver training sessions to employees’ desktops. The interactive capabilities enable presenters to ensure that people are engaged and actively participating in the online session.

“Not only have we been able to reduce travel but we have also more than doubled the number of people attending some courses, from 12 to 25”, Neil Rogers continued. “Our regular online training sessions ensure that all our employees are completely up to speed on the latest legislation”.

“As more and more companies are becoming ‘green’ aware, they are striving to decrease their carbon emissions”, said Bernardo de Albergaria, Vice-President and General Manager of E-commerce at Citrix Online, which supplies the software. “Reducing company travel by replacing face-to-face training sessions with interactive online meetings enables businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, while reducing spend on travel”.

Biffa places a great emphasis on training to educate employees on the latest laws and regulations surrounding waste management, dangerous goods and environmental protection. Sales and senior management are also starting to use GoToMeeting in their day-to-day work.

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