(2000), "Accreditation does not lead directly to salary increases, finds survey", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 32 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Accreditation does not lead directly to salary increases, finds survey
Accreditation does not lead directly to salary increases, finds survey
Keywords: Accreditation, Salaries
The National Computing Centre's 1999 survey into IT staffing issues has revealed that only 8 per cent of organizations are offering staff a bonus or premium payment if they obtain certification or accreditation for specific skills. The survey, now in its 19th year, found that just 30 respondents would offer staff a financial reward for completing a certified training scheme and that, of those who would receive a bonus, some could expect as little as £250.
"Employers should be encouraging and rewarding their staff for achieving certification or they may face losing them", warns Diane Finn, head of membership at the National Computing Centre (NCC). "A qualification, like Microsoft's MSCE, looks good on any employee's CV and might well prompt an ambitious member of staff to begin looking for alternative employment. A goodwill gesture in the form of a bonus or pay rise encourages staff to recognise the ability to grow within the company, retaining important skills."
The survey also shows a sharp decline in the number of contract workers employed. The 1999 figures outline a drop from 40 per cent to 34 per cent in the number of companies using any contractors. This fall brings the overall growth rate back into line with the trend indicated over the past five years.
A copy of Salaries and Staff Issues in IT 2000 can be obtained by emailing: The full survey price is £250.00 including post and packing. NCC members can buy the survey at the discounted price of £155.00 (including postage and packing).
The National Computing Centre is an independent membership and research organization whose mission is to promote the more effective use of information technology. NCC members benefit by being kept informed of current IT issues via published guidelines, surveys, research and also special interest groups. Further information is available from the National Computing Centre, Oxford House, Oxford Road, Manchester M1 7ED. Tel: 0161 242 2213; Fax: 0161 242 2476.