The role of the Ombudsman in the risk management process
Considers the role of the Ombudsman’s office in the NHS. It also stresses that, whilst improvements have already been made in the format and style of investigation reports, these are still not being used to their full advantage as teaching aids for staff. An overall review of the publications issued by the Ombudsman highlights the poor dissemination of information to NHS staff. Also discusses the types of complaints dealt with by the Ombudsman and points out the small percentage of complaints which are referred to the Ombudsman or even upheld. Support and resources are the essential elements to improving service and the results of the Ombudsman’s investigations are designed to assist in the ongoing development of risk management and clinical governance in the NHS.
Cowan, J. (2001), "The role of the Ombudsman in the risk management process", British Journal of Clinical Governance, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 221-224.
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