Energy, Politics and the Environment
Assesses the global trends in energy production and consumption. Instability in the Middle East and the disintregration of the Soviet Union; the United States′ increasing dependence on imported oil; and the suppressed demand for energy in the Third World as the developing countries become more energy‐intensive, all point to an increase in energy prices in the long term. The environmental impact of energy – global warming – is not just a national problem but a world problem, which will be intensified as the Third World countries, particularly China and India, continue developing. Developed nations must, therefore, set an example by limiting carbon dioxide emissions. The consumption of energy in buildings, transport and power stations must be controlled. Finally, reviews the present Government′s privatization of the gas and electricity industries, which has solved one problem – government interference – but created several others.
Ezra (1992), "Energy, Politics and the Environment", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2.
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