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Problems of Management Development in the Indian Subcontinent

S.C. Iyer (Management Consultant S.C. Iyer is a management consultant in private practice. Formely, he was Professor of Management in the Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.)

Journal of Management Development

ISSN: 0262-1711

Article publication date: 1 July 1991



The range of institutions concerned with management development in India is briefly described, and their activities and effectiveness are appraised. Problems are also highlighted, including the huge scale of the (management development) task in India, and the excess of demand over supply; the incompatibility with Indian culture of Western management systems and philosophies; the constraining effects on risk‐taking and innovation of low income levels and high unemployment; different conceptions of time and efficiency; the concern in India for “process”, often at the expense of outcomes; conflict avoidance; resource scarcity; and low trainee motivation. A case study example of a successful organisation development intervention is described which demonstrates the effectiveness of action learning as a management development technique.



Iyer, S.C. (1991), "Problems of Management Development in the Indian Subcontinent", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 10 No. 7, pp. 14-21.




Copyright © 1991, MCB UP Limited

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