New Strategies to Combat Long‐term Unemployment in Belgium
Describes the active policy that has been developed during the last few years at national level and at the level of the Flemish Region in Belgium by public bodies and social partners to combat long‐term unemployment. First, analyses the quantitative and qualitative aspects of unemployment in Belgium. Draws attention mainly to the specific guidance and training actions which are geared to the needs of the long‐term unemployed. Other important aspects are (1) the financing mechanisms to reintegrate the groups at risk in the labour market, (2) the collaboration between the major public organization for vocational training for adults in the Flemish Community and the industrial sectors, and voluntary organizations, and (3) supportive actions for individuals. For each measure, provides a picture of the results.
Geers, F. (1992), "New Strategies to Combat Long‐term Unemployment in Belgium", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 55-65.
Copyright © 1992, MCB UP Limited