Eating the Mediterranean Way — For People with Diabetes has been produced by the Olive Oil Information Bureau. It incorporates the British Diabetic Association's latest recommendations which indicate that people with diabetes can benefit from eating a Mediterranean style diet high in complex carbohydrates such as pasta and rice, including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, little meat, fish and deriving most of the fat intake from olive oil. The leaflet includes information on the amount and type of fat people with diabetes should eat and which foods contain which type of fat. It also covers some of the scientific research on mono‐unsaturated fatty acids as well as the main ingredients of a Mediterranean style diet and the production of olive oil. Supplies of the leaflet, up to 50, are available free from Mediterranean Diet Leaflet, Olive Oil Information Bureau, 4 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RA.
(1992), "NUTRITION: ILLUSTRATED", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 92 No. 5, pp. 28-29.
Copyright © 1992, MCB UP Limited