Netherlands research institute for recreation and tourism
This article gives an overview on the research activities of the “Netherlands Research Institute for Recreation and Tourism (NRIT)”. The author presents its permanent and continuous activities such as the “Trend Report on Tourism” or the “Continuous Holiday Research (CVO).” He also gives a list of annually changing projects e g the feasibility studies or the visitors estimation for excursionist or a given exhibition or event centre. The article reflects part of the results of the survey on Netherlands tourism. The author also estimates the visitors for day‐tourism attractions with the tools like the “Reference analysis” and the “absorption capacity calculations”. The author is a member of the “Tourist Research Center (TRC)” which is related with AIEST.
Zom, J.A.M. (2000), "Netherlands research institute for recreation and tourism", The Tourist Review, Vol. 55 No. 4, pp. 71-84.
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