Fire Fighting Equipmentfor Bulk users of Lubricating & Electrical Oils, PART TWO
Part One of this article appeared in our last issue and dealt primarily with automatic systems including a detailed description of the “Mulsifyer” equipment of automatic fire fighting. These articles were written with the primary object of fighting fires in Power Stations, particularly those that are caused by leaky lubricating oil, transformer and switch gear systems. But the equipment described is similarly applicable to all oil fires and the articles will be of interest to all bulk risers of lubricating and electrical oils.
CLARK, G.H. (1954), "Fire Fighting Equipmentfor Bulk users of Lubricating & Electrical Oils, PART TWO", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 6 No. 6, pp. 12-18.
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited