Merging and moving — the NRI Experience: an exercise in library integration and relocation
The Scientific Units of the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) were merged over recent years to form the Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute which is now called, after becoming an Executive Agency of the ODA, the Natural Resources Institute. The new unit was relocated from several separate sites to a refurbished site at Chatham, Kent. For the Library and Information Services these changes presented both challenges and opportunities. The paper reviews and discusses these from the library manager's point of view, covering planning, logistics, rationalisation of systems and services, user support, staff management and organisation of work.
Lumley, A., Datta, V.K. and Wright, J.A. (1991), "Merging and moving — the NRI Experience: an exercise in library integration and relocation", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 43 No. 4, pp. 115-132.
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