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NASD Dispute Resolution Securities Mediation 2000: Survey Results

Kenneth L. Andrichik (Associate vice president and director of mediation and business strategies at NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc.)
Elizabeth A. McCoy (Assistant director of mediation at NASD Dispute Resolution, Inc.)

Journal of Investment Compliance

ISSN: 1528-5812

Article publication date: 1 March 2000



This is an exploration of the effectiveness of the NASD Dispute Resolution's mediation program from the user's point of view. There is a user survey that has been conducted to analyze the program. This article examines the results of the survey in a setting describing the program and how it is administered. There is an interesting examination of the effectiveness of mediation and which factors are most important.


Andrichik, K.L. and McCoy, E.A. (2000), "NASD Dispute Resolution Securities Mediation 2000: Survey Results", Journal of Investment Compliance, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 27-36.




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