Reducing Employee Resistance to Robotics: Survey Results on Employee Attitudes
The introduction of the industrial robot into the American workplace has been received with mixed results. Management, whose decision introduced the new technology, invariably views the robot's presence as a cure for many of the organization's production and competitive problems. Conversely, management's panacea is more often viewed as a pyorrhea by the firm's workers. To the production workers, the presence of the industrial robot is perceived as a threat to their jobs and is, therefore, treated with suspicion and resistance. In some extreme instances, disgruntled employees have even resorted to sabotage.
Fink, R.L., Robinson, R.K. and Rose, W.B. (1992), "Reducing Employee Resistance to Robotics: Survey Results on Employee Attitudes", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 59-63.
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