Quantifying Event Risk: The Next Convergence
Operational or event risk is not a new phenomenon for financial services companies. However, its measurement, as part of integrated risk management programs, has been the subject of recent focus. Property and casualty insurers have measured components of this risk class as part of the pricing and underwriting process. Although all financial services firms are exposed to direct and indirect (e.g., reputational) costs of operational risk events, few financial services firms actually measure “operational risk.” This article explores ways in which this may be done in practice.
CESKE, R., HERNÁNDEZ, J.V. and SÁNCHEZ, L.M. (2000), "Quantifying Event Risk: The Next Convergence", Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 9-22. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb043503
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