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Financing an M&A Middle‐Market Transaction

Warren D. Kissin (M&A consulting Group of Spicer & Oppenheim in New York City)
Amin Amiri (M&A consulting Group of Spicer & Oppenheim in New York City)
Kent Gross (Kent Gross is an attorney with Seward & Kissel in New York City)

Journal of Business Strategy

ISSN: 0275-6668

Article publication date: 1 June 1989



In recent months, numerous articles in this publication have discussed various aspects of financing lever‐aged buyouts. Our experience shows a dramatic increase in the number of middle‐market transactions and in the percentage financed by foreign lenders. (The acquirers in these transactions could be either U.S. companies or overseas firms.) Although, in the past, foreign lenders seldom participated in middle‐market transactions, competitive pressures and the increase in middle‐market transactions have changed this policy.


Kissin, W.D., Amiri, A. and Gross, K. (1989), "Financing an M&A Middle‐Market Transaction", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 54-56.




Copyright © 1989, MCB UP Limited

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