Employee Loyalty Is an Attainable Goal
Let's start with a subject we're all committed to—our children. When my child was very young, my wife and I learned, as do most parents, that there are several approaches to dealing with crying at night. First, you can let a child cry. After all, life is full of ups and downs and terrors of the night. In the business world, we call them by other names—downsizing, layoffs, career plateaus, political hot soup. But kids will have to learn how to deal with them. You can't expect sympathy later, so why expect it now?
Rhodes, D.W. (1989), "Employee Loyalty Is an Attainable Goal", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 51-53. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb039337
Copyright © 1989, MCB UP Limited