The Library World Volume 31 Issue 8
THERE is to be an international Library Conference in Rome at the end of June, under the Presidency of Dr. Collijn, the Librarian of the Royal Library of Stockholm. This is the outcome of the Edinburgh and Atlantic City conferences when an international committee was formed. Great Britain is represented on the Committee, and it is hoped that the unique occasion of the Conference will not be passed by British librarians. Our language difficulties are real, but there is sufficient linguistic ability in the profession to provide the right delegates; and the matters to be discussed range over many aspects of librarianship, including personnel, technique and international co‐operation. We are part of the library system of Europe and ought to take our place in it; and not allow Anglo‐Saxon libraries to be represented entirely and invariably by our nevertheless always welcome American colleagues.
(1929), "The Library World Volume 31 Issue 8", New Library World, Vol. 31 No. 8, pp. 175-200.
Copyright © 1929, MCB UP Limited