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The Library World Volume 21 Issue 6

New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 1 December 1918



“The world's great age begins anew”; and standing on the threshold of a new epoch, we naturally turn rejoicing, grateful eyes upon those who have made it possible. As a profession we have given freely of our best, or rather our best have given freely for us; this ought to be our first thought. No profession has claims to greater pride or can feel deeper satisfaction in the achievements of its members; none has more solemn cause to mourn the loss of some of its best and most promising young men. The list is far too long to recapitulate. All we can do here is to turn our faces for a moment to those who have sacrificed everything for us, and then turn with gratitude towards the light for which they died.


(1918), "The Library World Volume 21 Issue 6", New Library World, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 117-132.




Copyright © 1918, MCB UP Limited

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