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The Library World Volume 21 Issue 10

New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 1 April 1919



Reports received from all quarters indicate much movement in library affairs, partly as a result of the approach made to municipalities by the Library Association, partly because of the agitation initiated by Walthamstow, which we record in part elsewhere. The difficulties of the political and industrial situation do not seem to make a satisfactory milieu for an improved library situation, but, nevertheless, some of the most successful ventures of the past have seemed to be forlorn hopes. It is so now; the overwhelming weight of public opinion is clearly in favour of removing the disabilities from which libraries suffer. The questions asked and answered in the House of Commons recently show that the Local Government Board is not well posted as regards the position of opinion; but the Library Association is now in a position to relieve that august body from the difficulties of ignorance.


(1919), "The Library World Volume 21 Issue 10", New Library World, Vol. 21 No. 10, pp. 181-195.




Copyright © 1919, MCB UP Limited

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