Engines of the XVIIIe Salon de I'Aéronautique: A Selection of Some of the Newer Engines Exhibited at the Grand Palais
A LARGE proportion of the engines shown at the Grand Palais were either familiar types, or else they were new models of old engines. This always has to be the case, of course, but on this occasion there was a marked division between the older engines, which had mostly been in service for many years, and the new types that were for the most part completely untried. This latter fact in itself is an indication of a much more open security outlook than in the past, for the new French jet engines were exhibited before they had even carried out their bench tests.
(1949), "Engines of the XVIIIe Salon de I'Aéronautique: A Selection of Some of the Newer Engines Exhibited at the Grand Palais", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 21 No. 7, pp. 204-208. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb031781
Copyright © 1949, MCB UP Limited