The Library Shelf: Two Books on Fluid Mechanics‐More Stress Analysis Proceedings
Within the last two decades great progress has been made in the field of hydrodynamics, both in the theoretical sense as well as the practical. This has been particularly noticeable in the rapid advances made, in aircraft and propeller design, which owes most to the successful application of aerodynamical theory. Not so noticeable, and certainly less obvious, are the results obtained by the application of fluid mechanics in other branches of engineering, as for example, in the design of turbo‐machinery such as turbines, pumps, compressors and that pump‐cum‐turbine arrangement known as the torque converter and the so‐called fluid flywheel. In these latter classes of machinery the more modern theories do not attempt to throw down or displace the older laws, by whose means many successful designs have been accomplished, but on the other hand are direct developments thereof as a result of more intensive study. The most important development of recent years, due to the greater knowledge of fluid mechanics, is adequately illustrated by the amazing progress made in the design and performance of axial compressors. Some thirty years ago, a similar but less spectacular application of fluid mechanics was devised in the form of the Michel or Kingsbury thrust bearing.
D.M.C. (1948), "The Library Shelf: Two Books on Fluid Mechanics‐More Stress Analysis Proceedings", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 20 No. 5, pp. 149-150.
Copyright © 1948, MCB UP Limited