WE should like to urge upon the aircraft world an even greater degree of collaboration and unity of purpose and effort than admittedly exists today. We are aware that very considerable improvement has been made and that most people now realize that in war conditions it is vitally necessary for all to pull together and to drop their little internecine jealousies and strifes. And when saying that, we should like to pay a tribute to the undoubtedly beneficial effect of the dynamic personality of Lord Beaverbrook and his efforts in this direction. We had occasion recently to criticize his attitude towards research and what we believed to be his lack of understanding of it and appreciation of its importance. We would, however, be among the first to agree that during his term as Minister of Aircraft Production he was personally responsible for a tremendous increase in the output of aeroplanes as a consequence of his insistence on a full measure of co‐ordination and his wielding of the axe necessary to clear away the undergrowth and cut swathes through the tangled mass, not only of Government “ red tape”, but of inertia and other clogging weeds in the woods of aircraft production.
(1941), "THE NEED FOR CO‐OPERATIVE EFFORT", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 13 No. 6, pp. 149-149.
Copyright © 1941, MCB UP Limited