Metallic Corrosion in the Baking Industry
In this article the author discusses the various points at which corrosion occurs in the bakehouse plant and mentions the probable factors involved. The three main sections of the baking industry are covered, viz. bread making, flour confectionery (cake making) and biscuit making. An increasing number of bakers are now beginning to realise that metallic corrosion need not be an inevitable occurrence of conditions of the bakery, and the following article, by a member of the staff of the British Baking Industries Research Station, will help bakers to avoid this unnecessary waste of money.
Ottaway, F.J.H. (1954), "Metallic Corrosion in the Baking Industry", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 1 No. 9, pp. 322-327.
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited