Electrical Techniques for Combating Underground Corrosion by Stray Electric Current
Stray currents in the ground are those which have their origin in electrical power and traction systems, as distinct from currents of voltaic origin. The electrical industry is concerned with the control of such stray currents, partly because of its awareness of responsibility towards the authorities operating other underground services, and partly because of its own very large capital investment in underground cables, for which even a low incidence of corrosion would represent a serious economic and operational drawback. The following article is a brief review of the existing techniques for the survey and control of stray current corrosion, cathodic protection being an important method of control.
Mole, G. (1954), "Electrical Techniques for Combating Underground Corrosion by Stray Electric Current", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 1 No. 8, pp. 280-285. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb018972
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited