Protecting your premises from FIRE Retail management's special responsibility
Few retailers appreciate the extent and cost of fires in the retail distribution sector, but some indication can be seen from the fact that each year 30,000 retail businesses are burnt down. The fire risk to retail property is worsening due to ever bigger shops. If you are the victim of a serious fire, the consequences can be horrendous. Enforced closures while shops are rebuilt and moves made to temporary premises inevitably lead to a loss of customers, trade and employees. It may take years for shops to regain their pre‐fire trading levels — some have even been forced out of business. This article outlines what sensible precautions can be taken to reduce fire risk.
Haydon, E. (1985), "Protecting your premises from FIRE Retail management's special responsibility", Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 63-65.
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited