Survival in the 80s: A look at merchandise selection
In this wide‐ranging article the author is frank in his assessment of the next ten years, and the problems of direction facing the retail trade at the moment. What are the demands of the consumer? What is the challenge of technology? How important is product quality? What about own label? How much choice does the shopper want, what about new product development? And there is the nagging question of diversification. We are presented with many possibilities, much change; Mr White knows that the '80s will be difficult for supplier, retailer and consumer. We should be aware of all the options. And we should know that success today contains the seeds of its own destruction tomorrow. This is an abridged version of a paper presented at the Oyez/IBC Conference “Retailing in the Eighties” in London at the end of March.
White, R. (1980), "Survival in the 80s: A look at merchandise selection", Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 14-20.
Copyright © 1980, MCB UP Limited