Manpower planning for distribution at Boots
After the discussion about technology and advanced systems in the warehousing and distribution business, Mr A.R. Ripley of the Boots Company enters the field with the human factor in mind. His paper, which was presented at the Centre for Physical Distribution Management National Conference, 1978, concerns itself with the need for management at all levels specialising in the warehousing and distribution field. He describes in detail the various sources of recruitment and training processes which Boots use for their warehousing and distribution management structure. Mr Ripley emphasises that there is no set recipe for success in introducing a system of training and development and that their own is constantly being reassessed.
Ripley, A.R. (1979), "Manpower planning for distribution at Boots", Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 61-63.
Copyright © 1979, MCB UP Limited