Mr. H. M. Cashmore on the Moscow Libraries
It will be remembered that in 1936–7 a survey of libraries abroad was made on the basis of funds provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, and in that connexion Mr. H. M. Cashmore visited Russia. Since then Moscow, like many of our British cities, has been badly plastered in the course of the war, and the libraries dis‐organised. It will be understood, therefore, that the conditions as viewed by Mr. Cashmore are probably considerably different to‐day; but, even so, the survey made by him indicates the salient features of the Moscow Library Service, and we recommend readers interested in the subject to refer to the Russian section in A Survey of Libraries published by the Library Association in 1938, and edited for it by Mr. Lionel R. McColvin.
(1945), "Mr. H. M. Cashmore on the Moscow Libraries", Library Review, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 82-82.
Copyright © 1945, MCB UP Limited